June 17, 2008

the 'I' tag...

I was tagged by 'chakoli' and 'vrij' a long time back...so here is me keeping up to the promise...
sorry guys, havent been regular in visiting ur blogs lately...but have been a lil caught up with things...will get back in shape as soon as time permits...
till then, happy reading!

I am : just a figment of your imagination! :)

I think: too much and that at times, scares me...

I know: some things cant be changed but yet somewhere i keep wishing they would...

I want: my yahoo password to 'nostalgicmoments19992000' and 'dr_priyanka07' back [its been more than a year since that acute episode of 'selective amnesia' and im still trying to recollect but no luck :( ]

I have: what it takes!(to be ME!)

I wish: some things in my life would change for the better (i know ive said this before)

I hate: the fact that i sometimes still hope for the impossible!

I miss: the simple pleasures of life...

I fear: the future when i think of it...

I feel: tired!

I hear: the silence of the night...

I smell: the scent of the monsoons! (its raining)

I crave: sweets...especially when im stressed or tensed!

I search: for some news...but in vain!

I wonder: if i have made a huge mistake by saying 'no'

I regret: a few things better left unspoken...

I ache: more emotionally than physically

I m not: an atheist

I believe: in destiny!

I dance: only when im totally at ease!

I sing: because i like to 'believe' i have a good voice ;)

I cry: when it really hurts from within and then i find it difficult to stop...

I don’t always: understand! and im aware of that...

I fight: rarely (i try my best to stay out of fights)

I write: because its my passion!

I win: when i want you to lose...

I lose: when i want you to win...

I never: keep grudges to myself...if i hate u, u will know!...lol!!

I always: say exactly what i feel and this is one habit that has gotten me into trouble many a times...

I confuse: everyone nowadays (earlier it was just me)

I listen: to everyone but do only what i want to...

I can usually be found: wherever im needed...

I m scared: to even think about what im scared of...

I need: a normal life...

I am happy about: nothing in particular as of now...

I imagine: life could have been worse and that keeps me smiling! :)


  1. hey u did justice 2 tag :)
    Well done!

    in btw...nice blog..

  2. Nice one Pri.. waise, even I had tagged u for the same!

  3. yahooo acc must have been disabled by noW!!! :(

    sweet khao aur mote ho jaoo!!! :D

    **i fight rarely!!! :D

    yes... u r there when i need u dear friend!!! :)

    take care
    keep smiling...


  4. "I need: a normal life..."
    this is interesting...would be fun to read an entire post on the subject

  5. I win: when i want you to lose...

    I lose: when i want you to win

    thts what i call confidence...kudos!!!

  6. hehe.. sahi ans likhe hai doc..!!

  7. i especially liked the answers to i win and i lose :) :)

  8. **normal life**--i tell you-it would have all been so normal with a normal life...but alas...happens only rarely...**figment of imagination** made me remember-aap ek khayal ho ya khawab ho ya ek tasuvar ho ya hakikat ya fasana ya afsana..**i feel tired** & ** I search for some news** say alot(atleast to me!)..now dont ask me what...crazy ramblings of a dead brain...but i do feel you say alot with very less...interestingly done!

  9. i liked your blog.have to comeback and read the rest of the posts.
    me too blog.
    do visit.

  10. //I hear: the silence of the night.
    Hmmm good one..

    Can relate to many..

  11. Nicely done tag dear!i think all of us hav nw done this tag...but i m sure u enjoyed doin it coz it made u think....i like the way u write the answers very innocently. :) Never lose tht innocence gurl!

  12. I can usually be found: wherever im needed...

    really??makes u a prime candidate for being a super girl?? :D

  13. @ sach
    thanks :)
    nice to have u drop by 'nostalgic moments'

    @ vrij
    ohh im so sorry..my memory is failing me :( will edit ur name in there too...
    thanks for reminding me :D

    @ ankur
    ///yahooo acc must have been disabled by noW!!! :(///
    why do such things keep happening only with me?? :(

    **i fight rarely!!!**/// :D///
    u dont think so?? :p

    ///yes... u r there when i need u dear friend!!! :)///
    hope that wasent sarcastic :(
    but seriously, i try to be around!
    thats why the careful use of words to avoid cotradictions and guilt trips---i chose 'wherever' to 'whenever' :D

  14. @ rambler
    lol!! u sure it would be 'fun'???

    @ comfortably numb
    thanks!i dunno about the confidence but atleast thats the 'attitude' :D

    @ abhishek khanna
    yayyy! ab toh mere report card mein red line nahi hogi na sir?? :p

    @ luckydivz
    hows u doing btw??
    heyy divs, btw are u on gtalk??

    @ sid
    **normal life**--///i tell you-it would have all been so normal with a normal life...but alas...happens only rarely...///
    i agree and then again the spectrum of normalcy goes on increasing its standards...so it never really gets 'normal' :(

    **figment of imagination** ///made me remember-aap ek khayal ho ya khawab ho ya ek tasuvar ho ya hakikat ya fasana ya afsana..///
    mujhe khud pata nahi shayad...:D

    ///now dont ask me what...crazy ramblings of a dead brain...but i do feel you say alot with very less...interestingly done!///
    now dont ask me how, but i do feel u kinda 'understand' a lot with very less :)

  15. @ man in painting
    glad to know u liked it here :)
    thanks for dropping by..will visit soon...

    @ sam
    thanks!this tag really makes u think about urself though :)

    @ urv
    cool! it feels nice to know someone can actually relate to what u feel :)

    @ ria
    thanks dear..but that again is something life has to agree with :)

    @ maverick
    prime candidate????
    dint u know i AM supergirl! :P

  16. You've summed it up brilliantly in your last line.
    Loved the way youve put them.

    And like your belief in your self

  17. Life could have been worse and that keeps me smiling...

    Wonderful answer. Really loved it!!!

    Cheers :-)

  18. nice one pri.

    some made me laugh, good thing to know more about you! ;0)

  19. nice one pri.

    some made me laugh, good thing to know more about you! ;0)

  20. everything fine?? this tag definitely made me think a lot about you (more than usual) :)

    your secret admirer

  21. you have been tagged again :)


  22. @ prats
    thanks for the compliment :)
    "belief in myself"--that is almost the only thing ive got...
    afterall its all about believing in yourself isnt it?

    @ karthik s
    thanks :)
    sometimes it makes me think if im being a hypocrite though...
    but then when things arnt in ur hands, thats the only way u can still keep smiling :)

    @ maverick
    haha :D
    right now 'supergirl' is lazzying away the sunday...
    and supermom is cribbing in the background :(


  23. @ iriz
    thanks..how about taking it up...
    i forgot to tag people :(
    so anyone and everyone is free to take it up :D

    @ secret admirer
    ohh is it that thinking soo much about me gives u reason to keep ur identity a secret? lol!!

    @ shekhar
    ohh sure thanks!...will take it up soon...
    its second in line now :D

  24. @pri...ha ha ha...u r in hyd right?

  25. @ maverick
    lol...have NEVER been there!
    atleast not in this life ;)
    why do u ask btw????

  26. fun tag doc... same pinch on "fight rarely" i toh never fight


if you think differently, go right ahead & express yourself..you might help me grow up in the process and i would be thankful.
if you think alike, you can ofcourse talk too..you might help me feel less alone in the crowd and i would be grateful.
Whatever you might think, i would love to know your reaction!!!