June 04, 2010

cryptic thoughts #9

i have just realised that the reason i couldn't complete the jigsaw all along was not because it had some missing pieces but because there were a few pieces of another totally different puzzle thrown in the same box.

ive got it sorted now...well, almost! :)


  1. i m not too sure abt ur puzzle but those cookies look yummy!!!

  2. That's so true....that's the way we complicates life....Thankfully i set aside those other pieces ...hope they stay out for u too :)
    Girl u surely speak my mind in most of ur blog :)

  3. r u sure that u have sorted out the correct ones? :P

    or the saga will continue forever..

  4. @ priya joyce
    well that is what life is anyways--an endless saga between having it 'almost sorted' and trying to get it 'totally sorted' isn't it?

    as much as we'd like it, ever wondered what we would be left to do for the rest of our lives, had we to get everything totally sorted all at once! :p

  5. @ mayz
    yea right! jahan food dikhe wahan thoughts ko kise padi hain, nahi? ;)

    @ scribbling girl
    yeps, but such things are easier said than done most of the times though.

    @ an ordinary girl
    well, realised--yes!

  6. how, o how did you get the pic???

  7. @ MangoManBunty
    all the pics and videos on my blog are courtesy google!

  8. Love your writing.. simple and true... :)

  9. Life is complex.. handle the real and imaginary parts separately..


if you think differently, go right ahead & express yourself..you might help me grow up in the process and i would be thankful.
if you think alike, you can ofcourse talk too..you might help me feel less alone in the crowd and i would be grateful.
Whatever you might think, i would love to know your reaction!!!