August 12, 2008

just a hypothetical situation....

If u had just 10 minutes to live and u were allowed to speak to just one person, who would it be and what would you say???


ceedy said...

No one...if the whole life it did not matter...what will those 10 mins do? Go away leaving everyone in enigma

Rambler said...

hmm very difficult to come up with a person..may be it would be someone whom I want to say goodbye to..may be parent or spouse...

IncorrigibleV said...

ummm i thought i'd try one number and since i know he wont pick up I'd call bonnie :) and then tell her to convey my love to everyone (my family and frnds)
of course after i tell her how much i adore her!

sid said...

I would love to speak to Mr. God...(I probably break the rules since it can be assumed he isnt a person)....

Anonymous said...

If its just one, I'd call no one. It'll be unfair to that one person to carry the burden of goodbye and unfair to all others who matter.

I'll just say it in my head and leave the building :)

Solitaire said...

My mom! Tell her that I love her one more time.

Anonymous said...

MY Mom..."Thankx"...

And then Tell her ... Mom don't worry ... it was just the Hypothetical Question Asked on A blog... so the Hypothetical Acting on my part..... I am not Dying...:D

A Germ

alok said...

A hypothetical situation – “ I will call the creator to ask him, why is HE so hurried in taking my life back? I have so many un-finished works, one call will just add to it.”

Anonymous said...

I'm not quite a phone person you see. I've been without a phone for a week and two days now :D

But in the unlikely event, i'll probably call you.. what say doc ;) You gonna answer the phone won't you?

Karthik S said...

Its hard to call just only one...
considering it is a hypothetical situation.... I will call my sister and will have a little chat with her.

The Furobiker said...

probably the Doc treating me.. n will ask me to get me a better doc!!

Junius said...

a stranger maybe (must be goodlooking hehe)

Pri said...

@ ceedy
somehow i expected that answer from you :)...
typically 'chintan' :D

@ rambler
u get to speak to just ONE person...and goodbye?? thats all u'd like to say?? :-/

@ vands
its a hypothetical situation there is no call cancel option...besides i wonder why u assumed it to be a 'call' :)

btw who is bonnie??

@ sid
are u presuming u wont be meeting him later?? ;)

ceedy said...

so speaking the truth is equivalent to being "typical"////

btw - if you have time do check my new post...its about architecture

Pri said...

@ chandni
heyy thats not fair....thats diplomatic :-/

@ solitaire
thats sure she knows that already :)

@ a germ
lol!! smart answer...make sure she visits my page :p

@ alok
hmmm...10 minutes is a lotta time buddy...can finish off a lot of unfinished tasks if u want to :)

@ j
aww thats sweet j...ofcourse i would answer....u dint answer the second part of the question though...

its a lil strange that many of you are taking it for granted that it should be a telephone call...
have our lives become soo technologically advanced that we have forgotten all about 'face to face' conversations?? :D

@ karthik s
wouldent u like to meet her and have that chat instead??

Pri said...

@ abhishek khanna
u'l never give up wont you? :p
last minute bhi sabko pareshan karne ki soch rahe ho...sigh!

@ endevourme
hmmm and what would u say??? *highly curious*

@ ceedy
naah...being enigmatic is equivivalent to being 'typically ceedy' :D

Prats said...

I think i'd like to be and talk to myself... :)

At least I wont have to regret saying things half way through...

alok said...

I guess, you missed reading the “A hypothetical situation” in the beginning and hey you are right – 10 mins is lotta time, I can finish everything hypothetically in that time frame.

I wish god is kind enough not to put anyone in real situation.

Anonymous said...

where did my comment go?

Mysterious Mia said...

well well it has to be my mom....

aneri_masi said...

no one. and if anyone is around, i hope they don't speak too. i'd like to hear the chirping of birds, rustling of leaves in the wind...

Ekta said...

Anand of course:-))

Lena said...

i was asked this one last week and i just couldnt come up with any answer chosing from my family and someone i love more than myself... i guess i would just not talk to anyone but go through all the memories i have for people i love in this remaining time...
or i just could sms them all :)

Utopia said...

and my friend batty woman.
and S.
haven't spoken to him for the longest time. don't know if i ever shall.

Rho Tau GWIS said...

I would talk to my other half, and ask him to take good take of my boy Spencer :)

Karthik S said...

No, once u know that u r going to die soon, it is very difficult to speak in person without showing ur emotions. If u show ur emotions, u will ruin the chat.

Anonymous said...

Second part of the answer... that's when I call ;)

Blog Boy said...

Just to God...
Saying thanks...

Anonymous said...

where art thou?!

in slumberland :P

RADhika said...

it is very difficult to pick up just one person.... plus, i think i would not be able to speak in that last 10 mins , if i knew i were to die! :P

Pri said...

@ prats
hmm nice! but why do u think u wouldent get to complete what u started with???
not saying anything could lead to regrets dont u think?

@ alok
ohh ur right...hypothetical situation it is...but even if it was real, its worth a try isnt it??
atleast i would like to be given those last 10 minutes so that i get to speak some unsaid things :)
though i think,the amount of things i'd have to say, i would never finish :(

@ veens
where did it go???
why does it always happen only with you? :(

@ princess mia
:) i can totally understand...most of us would want to speak to our moms.....
guess it just shows how much we have to say to them....

@ aneri_masi
hmmm nice perspective...u sure are a nature love arnt u?? :)

Pri said...

@ ekta
aww thats sweet...when u love someone, a lifetime together isnt enough isnt it? :)

@ lena
haha smart option---group texting! ;)
but the question says u get to choose just ONE person to speak to...

@ utopia
u are allowed to speak to just ONE person :)

@ carolinagirl
aww...thats soo sweet...spencer would be flattered :D

Pri said...

@ karthik s
yes i totally understand...but sometimes heartfelt emotions itsself can make the best chat....afterall the best conversation is when two people understand everything there is to say without having to say it :)

@ j
ahhh now im in a fix...i do want to know the second part..but knowing the deal, hell i hope u never have to call :)

@ blogboy
woww hats off to you...thats a little too good to be human :)

@ veens
yeps...had gone in search of you :p(hint taken from ur orkut status...heehee)

@ radhika
well thats an honest u mean there isnt anyone that u would like to speak most to?
or are there just too many? :)

Anonymous said...

There'd be too many people I'd like to say sorry to(ya i know its a sad life :)). But since can talk to only one, I'll thank the only one that is unconditional, my mom and say Thanks.

Is leaving messages for the others with her allowed;)

Pri said...

@ all
actually this question is for all those who mentioned that they want to thank their mom---"why save that thankyou only for the last 10 mins when we can express it whenever we want to??" :)
so go right ahead...nothing should stop us from saying 'thanks' to the most important woman in our life :)

@ anonymous
naah why trouble ur mom with the burden of delivering all those messages?? :)

///There'd be too many people I'd like to say sorry to(ya i know its a sad life :))///
sad life??urs or theirs??

ceedy said...

*"why save that thankyou only for the last 10 mins when we can express it whenever we want to??"*

thats why I was honest in the first place...last 10 mins is no point to scamper all you understand what I meant...that if it did not matter the whole life how will the last 10 mins matter and if it was done the entire life how again the last 10 mins matter....

Pri said...

@ ceedy
well sometimes somethings go unsaid...things are left undone...somethings remain taken for granted...while somethings we just keep procrastinating...
sometimes life dosent allow us to say somethings and at times we dont get about saying them....
some people leave too soon and sometimes we reach too late.......its for all THESE times that the last 10 minutes hold important....and yet again there are some people for whom a lifetime of words arnt enough and u want to speak to them forever.....till ur last breath :)

Anonymous said...

@pri and ceedy:
when I said 'say thank you to my mom' I already have done so on many occassions. Its just that I would still want to do it one more time(not scampering..reiterating..the way one would say 'i love you' everday)before I leave her and it would be special for her to know that I was thinking of her in those final moments and to have that conversation as my final memory.

ceedy said...


I dont deny or refute anyone that they are not talking to their parents on a regular only contention is - try imagining yourself suddenly - right now once you read this - with a stop watch....that these are you last 10 mins....and let the time roll down....and you think you will not scamper or be nervous????

and in that state would you not make the person at the other end nervous....and leave them with that memory....(just a thought)

Anonymous said...


well, speaking as someone who has lost a couple of dear ones with me not around, I know how much I would have liked to have been anywhere around them(in sight, hearing or otherwise) in their final moments, irrespective of the anxiety or the nervousness, maybe just holding hands.

ceedy said...


I think you are detracting from the discussion....

Being near someone dying is a complete different story than - what this post is asking - YOUR LAST 10 MINS....not others 10 mins with you

Anonymous said...


i assume you havent heard unto others as you would have them do to you:)

ceedy said...


as I said before - if you dont have an arguement towards what this post is about - accept it...instead of teaching me life is absolutly baseless and irrelevant to what is being discussed here....

why are you beating around the bush????

Anonymous said...

oh well, I guess you were too busy to actually look at my original comment.Will reproduce it here for your benefit:

"There'd be too many people I'd like to say sorry to(ya i know its a sad life :)). But since can talk to only one, I'll thank the only one that is unconditional, my mom and say Thanks.

Is leaving messages for the others with her allowed;)"

Does that sound like beating around the bush????

And I would leave it to the sole blog administrator and moderator 'pri' to weeding out the 'irrelevant and baseless'(man im falling off my chair here) comments

ceedy said...


I hope you did not hurt yourself in the process of falling down...

Irrelevant and baseless was not meant for your entire repertoire - just the last comment where you were telling me if I have heard smg...smg...

that still does not make sense as this post is more about PERSONAL choice at the last minute by YOU or ME - not about expectations from others...

hope I make sense here...

and finally all this is a personal choice....or how you want to lead a life...right

Anonymous said...

ceedy:@anonymous-> '...and you think you will not scamper or be nervous????

and in that state would you not make the person at the other end nervous....and leave them with that memory....(just a thought)'

anonymous:@ceedy->'I know how much I would have liked to have been anywhere around them(in sight, hearing or otherwise) in their final moments, irrespective of the anxiety or the nervousness, maybe just holding hands.'

Therefore I would like to give my mom the opportunity to just be holding my hand or even hearing my nervous anxious voice rather than say later 'how much she would have liked to be anywhere around me..blah blah' (This is the simple inside out unsaid bit which was a bridge too far for Mr.ceedy to deduce in spite of clues by way of 'do unto others')..still irrelevant?? or have I not understood this post??

ceedy said...


are we arguing or simple stating the same thing again and again...

I have understood that - what you will like to do in your last 10 mins....based on your thoughts and experiences...

and I have my own ways about doing things...

so for obvious reasons....whats relevant to you is irrelevant for me and vice versa...

stating again from my last comment...

how you deal with any situation in life is your personal choice- and what makes you comfortable in that situation - you might thrive in nervousness and chaos - thats fine and I like to be laid back and reserved - thats should be fine too...

IncorrigibleV said...

i assumed it wud be a "call" coz both the ppl i mentioned, him and bonnie are not here in delhi ...
and bonnie is the name i gave to neeraja (of randomness personified), she doesn't write anymore though...i mean she deleted her blog

Deepali said...

Interesting question.

First choice would be my Mom.

The second name which kept popping into my head though was quite interesting. It this old 'friend' of mine from college. She said something to me once and it sort of changed my life. So even though I haven't spoken to her in years and would probably not speak to her for years to come, it would still end up being her I would call up and tell her how that some conversation impacted my life.