March 10, 2009

life destiny and everything...

the colours of the pretty rainbow...
the fragrance of the fresh bloomed flowers...
the vastness of the clear blue skies...
the moisture of the pristine morning dew...
the temptation of seductive molten chocolate...
the mystical blur of the heavy fog...
the romance of the moonlit night...
the golden beam of the morning sun...
the scent of the rain drenched earth...
the purity of innocent love...
the understanding of a deep friendship...
the memories of the nostalgic past...
the faith of heartfelt prayers...
the hope of beautiful dreams...
the mystery of the unpredictable future...
the challenge of the stubborn present...

these are the random 'blessings' life is all about!!

and sometimes, just sometimes for a chosen few, its all about fighting that one hard blow of destiny which tries to throw us off our feet only to make us feel sorry for ourselves so that we crumble in self-pity because we are forced to think we are'nt blessed enough...
but probably it is life's way of teaching us that we gotta pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, change that goddamn stuck-up attitude and move on!!

To end on a cheerful note, here's wishing everyone around a very happy holi! :)


moi said...

beautiful one and yes wish you happy holi too

Charmed One! said...

Yeah life is all about fighting against odds n winning..
You have written it beautifully :)
Happy Holi to you too!

Arv said...


I liked the random blessings like and the happy ending note :)

Happy Holi :)

Anya said...

hava colorful future.. liked the poetic interlude

The Furobiker said...

i liked the previous title :D

Hemanth Potluri said...

it was beautiful Happy Holi :)..


Jaggu said...

Blog updated!!!

Pavi!!!! said...

n counting ones blessings / feeling blessed is vital to living a Happy life!

Happy Holi to u too! Did u play?

Pavi!!!! said...

n counting ones blessings / feeling blessed is vital to living a Happy life!

Happy Holi to u too! Did u play?

Rambler said...

happy holi to you too

Vrijilesh Rai said...

"the scent of the rain drenched earth..."

>> Wow.. I'm dying to smell that!! The sun's been beating on us too hard!

And a Very Happy Holi to everyone here!

shruti said...

so beautifully written.
in between all those beautiful words that little bit of negative thoughts .i hope they all wipe away giving way to rosy path you so well deserve.
Happy hole to you too:)

Lucifer said...

happy holi :)
hope if nothin else atlst d fenny did some good tdy :P

ceedy said...

HAppy Holi...
and how is "mystery of unpredictable future" a blessing - isnt that where all the problems lie?

WritingsForLife said...

absolutely beautiful :-)

Ratzzz said...

Happy holi, Pri :-)

Pallav said...

Life is another fight...
beautifully written..

pisku said...

Ah! those little things that is life

Pri said...

@ ceedy
its a matter of perspective really...the future being unknown to us can indeed be a blessing at times to help us live the present---think about it! :)

Pri said...

@ all
thanks for the wishes.
hope u guys had a colourful holi!! :)

Lena said...

stron words.. life is all about being thrown to the ground and fighting to get back to where we are and move ahead.. some of us are just not strong enough

IncorrigibleV said...

beautifully written pri ... :)