January 23, 2008

the counting game...

I wanna make my life count
all of you who are here to stay...
all the trials which make me go on...
all the smiles which come to my lips...
every time a new dream is born...

I wanna make my life count
all these moments i will never forget...
the memories engraved in this heart of mine...
every time i stumble and miss a step,
but something makes sure i do just fine...

I wanna make my life count
all the battles it makes me fight,
some with the self making me stronger...
every angel who makes sure i am safe,
when at times i feel i cant go on any longer...

I wanna make my life count
all the tests it puts me through...
every small triumph along the way...
every dark night i spend crying...
only to appreciate the new colours of day...

I wanna make my life count
all the blessings i get as gifts...
all the smiles i manage to spark...
every time a small lil gesture of mine,
evokes for someone a sunbeam in the dark...

I wanna make my life count
the long walks i share hand in hand...
those who wont leave me stranded around the bend...
each time someone thinks of me when im away...
every time im remembered by a friend...

I wanna make u count o'life!!
my every feeling...every thought...every word...
each night...each noon...each passing dawn...
all the smiles,tears and laughs i share...
i know u'll miss me lots when im gone...


Amit Charles said...

Keep em counting;)

And keep it rollin;)

The Furobiker said...

Aj ke liye itni counting kaafi hai :D

Anonymous said...

Oh boy.. that would be terrabytes of data!!

Anonymous said...

ur tagged http://kookeetail.blogspot.com/2008/01/tag-to-rescue.html

Anonymous said...

loved it...

muwwwah!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

lets count....
lovely post..

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written.
I love the pictures of children on your site :)

ceedy said...

whats the highest number you want to acheive - put that and start counting backwords....

very well written - liked it :)

Keshi said...

so beautiful! U wrote this? WOW!

I dunno if my life counts to anyone else, but it does to me...and thats all that matters.


Utopia said...

where are you off to? are you not gonna blog no more? loved the verses. but please don't stop writing pri. :)

Blog Boy said...

nice one...
Is tht you who have written this..

Pri said...

@ scribbler
well somehow i knew u wud say that ;)

@ abhishek khanna
bery phunny! :p

@ j
heehee...cant let life get away easy can i? ;)

@ alohomora
will take up the tag soon dear...
thanks for tagging :)

@ anonymous
glad u liked it...

Pri said...

@ nisha
thanks :)
how would u do the counting?? *wondering*...:D

@ frances
thanks...its nice to have u drop by :)

@ ceedy
thanku bery much...its been a long time u complimented me ;p..heehee.

@ keshi
yes dear...its original...blogged down straight from the heart by urs truly :)...
and keshi...in the end its only the person in the mirror who matters...:)but who dosent like to be remembered and missed isnt it??

live life kingsize!!

Pri said...

@ utopia
heyy whatever gave u that impression??
blogsville is not gonna get rid of me soo soon ;p...heehee

@ blogboy
thanks blogboy..glad u liked it...and yes i wrote it :)

Anonymous said...

lovely poem...u have got talent babes :)

Cosmic Joy said...

A very beautiful poem and a wonderful ending.

maverick said...

awesome poem...dnt v words to write out for the amazing poem...loved it :)

Anonymous said...

i second all the comments above.

love it!!

Keshi said...

wow ur some writer girl! great stuff.

btw check out my latest post and plz do add to it ok lol!


Pri said...

@ khushi
thanks dear :)

@ cosmicjoy
thanks cosmic..its been a long time..great to see u :)

@ geet
thanks for dropping by geet...was 'JWM' inspired by u? ;)

@ keshi
thanks dear...
ok am on my way there...:)

radiohead said...

yup i wanna make life count too .. have been counting ofcourse ..


Sam said...

am not counting.. have loads of counting to do otherwise.. :(
by thw way chk out this blog, u might like it!!
Labile Moods
its more up ur alley, i think!!

Vikas ( Vicky) said...

was a nice read....

smtime i wonder when i will write a poem, not my glass of wine....

stime i take time out of my so ruthless life to thank all those who matter most in my life.... that make me count those ppl atleast.

Pri said...

@ anuj
thats cool...another player to the 'counting game' :D

@ sam
heyy sure...will check it out soon...thanks for sharing :)

@ vikas
thats real nice...we should never wait for 'tomorrow' when it comes to saying thanks to people who matter to us :)
nice to have u hop on here...
seeya around!

The 'Mad' Orchid said...

1 2 cha cha.. i love d way pri writes n counts...cho chweet...
Hugs n lodsa love :-*

Pri said...

@ mad orchid
heyy thanks dear :)
now looks like someone is in the 'chachacha' mood ;p

hugzz :)

P said...


you hav a srene blog...thnx fr droppin by...

loved this post :)

we gotta make it count!

Pri said...

@ priya
nice o u to drop by...much appreciated :)
seeya around...
happy blogging...

IncorrigibleV said...

lets count ...