March 05, 2008


someone with the potenial to smile through all the pain
someone with the strength to fall and fight again...
someone who wont give up on life's narrow lane..
someone with the power to make a boon from every bane...

a mother, a teacher, a lover, a friend...
someone u will find at every bend...
a helping hand u wont need twice to ask...
someone who wont rest till she finishes every task...

a dutiful daughter, a doting wife...
someone who'll stand by u till the end of life...
someone soo strong yet seems so meek
someone who'll surprise u dare u consider her weak...

someone who hurts , someone who cries...
someone who can speak volumes through her eyes...
an innocent heart which sometimes refuses to mend...
but springs up everytime its loved one to defend...

someone u can confide in when life isnt fair...
someone who for u will always be there...
a friend who will wait all day and talk...
and never leave u alone on life's lonely sidewalk...

im proud to be that someone in every way...
and would choose to be 'her' any given day...
the will, the might, the strength to be...
noone can challenge the power of 'she'...


PROMPT: taken from '3wordwednesday' the words being 'twice', 'rest' and 'sidewalk' to gear up for the proud ocassion of 'international womans day' on 8th march :)


Anonymous said...



I was here when yu posted it :) hehehe!

im proud to be that someone in every way...
and would choose to be 'her' any given day...
the will, the might, the strength to be...
noone can challenge the power of 'she'...

ok i used to say girl powa all the way... editing for the occasion..
WOmen powa all the way!

Pri You rock!

Gimme love and kisses!

coz I giv yu my heart!

paisley said...

that is so empowering... loved it.

Pri said...

@ veens
thanks flattered :D

love, hugs, kisses, heart, liver, pancreas---all urs!! *grin*

@ paisley glad u liked it...and since i probably wont be meeting u on the 8th, here's wishing u a very happy IWD in advance :)
take care!

kyamaloom said...

I just remembered this one of my fav song! :)

May be the face I can't forget
A trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
She may be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred tearful things
Within the measure of the day.

May be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
A smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem
Inside a shell

She who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry
She may be the love that can and hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
That I remember till the day I die

May be the reason I survive
The why and where for I'm alive
The one I'll care for through the rough and rainy years
Me I'll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I got to be
The meaning of my life is

She, she, she

Pri said...

@ rohit
heyyy that song is by elvis costello and is one of my favsss :)
love the movie 'notting hill' as well...
that song is addicting...
hope u dint get too engrossed in it and forget to read my humble scribble :D

Jane Doe said...

That was fantabulous! I am woman, hear me roar! Great job!

Sherry said...

Totally empowering and strong. I am woman, hear me roar...loved this!

gP said...

//a dutiful daughter, a doting wife...
someone who'll stand by u till the end of life...//

going forward in life, this is all that matters. In any perspective, life is not complete without a daugther and a wife, who will become part of our life.

Thx for coming Priya :) You write very well.

rebecca said...

You've managed to capture the true essence of very well done. And, like you, I am proud to be called "She."

WritingsForLife said...

You should read Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou. it is to the same lines.
Absolutely awesome poem! :-)

Tumblewords: said...

She is a good thing to be! Nicely done!

Lukkydivs said...

oh pri, such a fabulous thing to read for woman's day :) just covered every little thing about being a woman :) cheers!!

ceedy said...

here are my 2 cents

someone with intriguing words
someone who finds peace in others
a crazy friend of QWERTY
someone who promises to blog till doomsday......

just a question - are you emulating Jodhaa ....and emopowering some significant Akbar!!!!

Princess said...

hi pri..

awesome poem :)
how have u been?

it feels good to be back to blogging..



Pri said...

@ jane doe was nice to have u drop by ...wish u a happy IWD in advance :)

@ sherry-cherry-miss-herbes.d
thanks and wish u a happy IWD in advance :)...

@ ghost particle
ohh the pleasure is all mine gp...loved reading ur blog..and count me as a regular there from now on :)

@ rebecca
3 cheers for 'girl power'!! :D
and here's wishing u a happy IWD in advance...

Pri said...

@ raaji
thanks...will definitely catch up on that one (maybe on the 8th) :D

@ tumblewords
u bet!!thanks for appreciating the attempt :)

@ divya
thanks dear...u always manage to make me smile with ur encouraging comments...:)
ohh wont wish u in advance because hope to see u here on the 8th for more :D
ohh and as u mentioned on mez blog, will keep searching ur space for some compliments ;) heehee

@ ceedy
haha...that was not an emulation in any way...
it was more of an attempt to bring about recognition of the power of a woman :)
err ...btw did i miss the 'brackets' in the comment this time?? :p heehee

@ aiz
hiiii...its great to hear from u....beeen a real longgg time :)
how have u been?

The Furobiker said...


Keshi said...

yes Im proud to be a woman and Im VERY PROUD to tell some stupid opinionated MEN off in my blog today! :)


Rambler said...

hey have a wonderful women's day..and yes "SHE" is great :)

Amit Charles said...

:) Bravo!!!

gr8 work

And I'm proud to have known that woman:)

I dedicate this to the most wonderful woman I've ever known - MY MOM

Ankur said...

Well said will be an understatement. Brilliant Post Doc.

I salute every women in this world, thanks a lot for making us what we are.

Dedicate this to every woman i know, especially my mom, granni, sis, buha, masi, chachi, mami n rest.

Hope god give you the power to love more and more and forgive me for every sin of mine.

Pri said...

@ abhishek khanna
hmmm..u found it funny??
or r u on some sorta 'lol'ing spree...heehee
because i think i saw ur 'lol' comment on a coupla other blogs too...'MEZ's blog is one of them

@ keshi
bash them up girl! i saw that :D

@ rambler
thankyou...and its nice to know guys like u who appreciate 'HER' :)

@ scribler
thanks..its a honour...and yess mom's the best people there can ever be...
u know they say 'god couldent be everywhere at one time...thats why he created moms' :)

@ ankur
thats a very sweet message u dedicated there to all the important woman in ur life...
im sure they will be flattered :)

radiohead said...

Someone who keeps quite when She talks ..

YEAh!! I am proud to be a GUY !!


seriously ..

someone who is always read to bug
someone who never minds a hug
someone who is comfy as rug
someone who hold her like a Tug

someone who vows the same way as she
someone who feels himself, the way it is He

Interestingly, there is no escape for the two someones.


Sam said...

nice!! and its women's day this weekend right?? the girls at work are driving it like crazy in our heads... i guess i might stay indoors that day...

Truefaith1963 said...

Wow, great piece Pri. Very impressive.

Pri said...

@ anuj
aww...that was cute...its a pity they dont have 'international men's day'..u could definitely submit this one then ;)

@ sam
haha..we just trying to make hay while the sun shines :D
once 8th may goes,we will have to get used to the ungratefulness again..hmpf!!

@ truefaith1963
thanks for appreciating, truefaith :)

IncorrigibleV said...

happy women's day sweetie...
beautiful words and all so true :)
"an innocent heart which sometimes refuses to mend...
but springs up everytime its loved one to defend..."
my absolute fav lines!

IncorrigibleV said...

PS: i did ur question tag... here

Solitaire said...

I dont know if I am proud to be a woman or not. I want to be a man and then compare the two.

Pri said...

@ vands
thanks vands...but does that mean u wont visit me on the 8th? :(

@ solitaire
nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiii yeh nahi ho sakta *sound of glass shattering in the background*
u HAVE TO BE proud of being a woman girl...u cant let us down like that :(( sob sob!!

Phoenix said...


you go girl!!!


happy womens day to you!

Anonymous said...

Yep yep... this world is definitely a better place with the women around.

TC said...

Good for you :)

I liked this.

someone who can speak volumes through her eyes...

My favorite line. It spoke volumes itself.

Bone said...

an innocent heart which sometimes refuses to mend...

That was my favorite line. And Happy International Woman's Day :)

Keshi said...

I did LOL! And now that nutter jhas created a blog to trash me. I think Im finally FAMOUS. LOL!


WriterKat said...


Pri said...

@ phoenix
thanks dear..wish u the same :)

@ j
thankyou j on behalf of all the women :D

@ tc
wish we women thought ourselves lucky all the time...sigh!
thanks for dropping by :)

@ bone
it was a beautiful prompt, bone...thanks to u :)
and heyy thanks for the wishes as well...

@ keshi
ohh...has he?? hmmm...buggers will be buggers i guess!
well u know what to do right?
IGNORE him and ENJOY the free publicity! ;)

Cinderella said...

Oh..this was so beautiful !!
So simple..and true...
And your concluding lines..

**im proud to be that someone in every way...
and would choose to be 'her' any given day...
the will, the might, the strength to be...
noone can challenge the power of 'she'...**

Awesome !!!

Mez said...

Pri thnks for tht lovely sweet dedication to me. U made my day :)
Hope u liked this cupid..hehe

Unknown said...

im proud to know that woman
but sometimes wish you were a little less crazy ;)

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

not kidding, no maska...
you write some of the best poetry i've read in a long time...

Pri said...

@ cindrella
thanks dear :)

@ mez
u r most welcome...a noble cause like that sure deserves some credit :p
ohh yaa noticed that this cupid brought a lotta hearts together in blogsville in a totally amazing way...;)
enough to give the actual dude a complex ...heehee

@ dheeraj
yaya right...u had to say that dint u?lol!!

@ roshan
heyy im flattered...thanku :)
coming from u, thats a huge compliment...havent read ur attempts at poetry but ur posts really impressed!(and that u must have noticed frm my digging-up-old-posts-on-ur-blog-and-commenting!!

wildflower said...

Beautifully written

herez wishing you a Happy International Women's Day! :)


Pri said...

@ writerkat
yeah...wish u a happy womans day too :)

@ wildflower
thanks dear ...wish u the same :)

radiohead said...

yeah .. and actually we have been so considerate that we have never wooed about it :D

see .. u know we deserve it right ;)

Pri said...

@ anuj
heehee ok ok ul'l do deserve it i guess ...
wonder how u guys would celebrate it though :-/